- tipikləşmək
- глаг. типизироваться; становиться, стать типичным
Azərbaycanca-rusca lüğət. Dörd cilddə. Bakı, “Şərq-Qərb”. M.T.Tağıyev . 2006.
Azərbaycanca-rusca lüğət. Dörd cilddə. Bakı, “Şərq-Qərb”. M.T.Tağıyev . 2006.
tipikləşdirmə — «Tipikləşdirmək»dən f. is … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
tipikləşdirmək — f. Tipik etmək, tipik şəklə salmaq … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
atypical — a|typ|i|cal [ ,eı tıpıkl ] adjective not usual or typical … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
prototypical — pro|to|typ|i|cal [ ,proutə tıpıkl ] adjective very typical as an example of a particular thing … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stereotypical — ster|e|o|typ|ic|al [ ,steriə tıpıkl ] adjective exactly like the stereotype of a particular person or thing: a stereotypical teenager … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
typical — typ|i|cal [ tıpıkl ] adjective ** 1. ) like most things of the same type: It s a typical working class community. a typical reaction/response/comment fairly typical: He s followed a fairly typical career in teaching. typical of: The view is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
untypical — un|typ|i|cal [ ʌn tıpıkl ] adjective not usual or normal for a particular type of thing or person ╾ un|typ|i|cal|ly [ ʌn tıpıkli ] adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stereotype — 1 noun (C) a fixed idea or image of what a particular type of person or thing is like: racial stereotypes (+ of): the stereotype of a woman who stays at home with the children stereotypical /steri tIpIkl,stIr / adjective 2 verb (transitive… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English